How you can Easily Raise Money for Your Favorite Non-Profit in Michigan


Spartan Nash’s “Our Family” Makes Giving Back as Easy as Buying Groceries

“What would you say about yourself if you were your own best friend?” I was recently asked.

“She has good intentions,” I responded.

My mom friends chuckled. I think we can all relate as parents.

We set out with the best intentions to feed our kids good food, put them in clean clothes, and keep our homes tidy. But our kids sometimes just eat dirt, put on dirty clothes from yesterday, and leave their toys out for you to trip over.

While I haven’t figured out the toy-pickup trick yet, I have found an easy way help my kids eat healthy with the quality, convenient foods of Our Family. 

Our Family brand by Spartan Nash understands parents. They have hundreds of food items that offer convenience, taste, and quality. I also love that they are a local company!

Now you can look at your dinner plates and be proud that you at least provided your family with a quality meal, even if your kindergartner was late to school because he wouldn’t take off his gorilla costume.

Our Family’s New Labels Program Helps Non-Profits Raise Money

Our Family brand offers an awesome, easy incentive program for non-profit programs to raise money. 

Just clip the UPC label and collect them in an envelope or plastic baggy. Your local church, PTO or other organization will gather them and turn them into the Direct Your Labels program.

Every label equals 5 cents toward my organization’s expenses. It is an easy way to use the items I buy every week to help out programs I believe in.

It takes me from good intentions to actual follow through.

There are no excuses, start keeping track of those labels today!

How to Sign Your Organization up for the Direct Your Labels Program

“We are collecting UPCs as a PTO and are so grateful for the generosity of OurFamily and the opportunity to earn money to help the kids at our school!” shares Carla Hardy of Rockford, who is on her daughter’s PTO. 

Any nonprofit can benefit from this program. Our neighbors in Jackson at Village Hope Church raised enough money to help buy a bus for their after-school and youth programs.

Signing up for the program is easy. Just download the Program Tool Kit from the Direct Your Labels site.

After enrollment, collect 500 Our Family UPCs, bundle them together and submit them with the barcode redemption form to the Our Family Redemption Center. They will mail your organization a check in $25 increments for every 500 labels you send.

Where you can Find Our Family Brand Products

Our Family products are sold at Family Fare stores, D&W stores, Duthler’s foods and more than 1400 other retailers all over Michigan. Check out their website to find the closest retailer near you.

With a store in nearly every community in West Michigan it is a simple way to bring home quality food and support local organizations doing good in the community.


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